past projects

Project 1

ABC – New York Harlem, USA
June – September 2020

Through your donations, we have raised the $8’500 needed to accomplish our first Project at Cura Children’s Foundation.

With your help, ABC will provide 3'000 warm, nutritional meals to many underprivileged families and children in East Harlem, especially hard hit during the Covid pandemic.
In addition, 500 families will receive mental health visits by ABC therapists. In these times of long isolation, an increase in abuse and depression are common, making such visits vital.

We thank you, ABC thanks you and the families thank you.

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Project 2

Freedom to Ski - Château d’Oex, Switzerland
December 2020 – March 2021

Thank you for your generosity! Thanks to the CHF 12'500 collected, we were able to order a Tandem Flex Ski for the Capdenho Association.

This will allow about 250 children with disabilities to experience the joy of skiing one day a year. It will be an unforgettable moment for these kids and a moment of happiness for their families who accompany them: a real breath of fresh air!

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Project 4

Youth Emergency Shelter – Zürich, Switzerland
November 2021 – February 2022

Our expectations about the amount to be raised were by far exceeded thanks to your donations. Instead of CHF 15’000,- we raised a sum of CHF 20’000,- to be given to Nemo.

Nemo is the only youth shelter in Switzerland for young adults age 16-23. It offers shelter, security & social work guidance to young people who currently live on the street or have no home.

The dormitory has 10 beds and is open 365 nights a year. By partnering with Nemo, enough money was raised for 16 weeks of overnight packages, which were extremely helpful during this harsh winter.

What a success thanks to all of you.

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Project 5

Assistance Dog for a Child using a Wheelchair - Allschwil, Switzerland
April - July 2022

One of the best days in Lara’s life came this August 2022. She finally received her long-awaited Assistance Dog Ilay, who had a 2.5-year intensive training program at the Foundation Swiss School for Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Ilay will be supporting Lara by her wheels each step of the day and as importantly be a loyal companion and loving friend on four paws to her. The training of Ilay was not only very time consuming but also extremely expensive. We could not have reached our goal, without the very generous offer of Mon Soleil Fondazione to cover 2/3 of the total cost of CHF 48’000,-

Through the support of all our generous donors, we were even able to go over our objective with an additional CHF 2’535, - covering medical bills and food for Ilay.


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Project 6

Cura Children's Inclusion Camp - Lauenen, Switzerland
August - October 2022

Thanks to many donations, we successfully raised CHF 4’520 and organised our first self-run Inclusion Camp, uniting children with and without disabilities. We also welcomed parents and two social workers.

The week taught us that children with and without disabilities have more in common than what separates them.

Some of the activities we all did together: Horseback riding, Cimgo adventure, picnics at river, playing with a therapy dog, boat ride on Arnensee, pizza making, rock painting…

A week of pure happiness and joy!

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Project 7

Integration of Ukraine Refugee Families - Saanen, Switzerland
May - November 2022

This was an ongoing project, divided into multiple steps over 7 months. We were touched by the immense support of our donors and raised CHF 11’370.

With this, we did underwrite German classes for Ukrainian parent refugees, created a playgroup with the local Spatzennest to welcome the youngest children twice a week. We financed bicycles and scooters for the Ukrainian refugee community and the orphanage in the Saanenland. A large transport with urgently needed medical supplies payed by us, drove to Poltava close to the war zone.

Thank you to all!

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Project 8

Car Donation for a Family of 5 with an Autistic 9-year-old daughter diagnosed with a Brain Tumor - St. Gallen, Switzerland
December 2022 – March 2023

Together we made a dream come true for the M. Family last year. Thanks to all of your enormous support, we raised CHF 16’000 and successfully bought a 7 seater, 5 doors blue Opel Combo.

The car fits the whole family, the nurse as well as the special buggy for S., their 9-year-old autistic daughter diagnosed with a brain tumor. In addition, we were able to pay for a 2 years 5 Star warranty for the car, along with the whole first year insurance payment.

This wonderful gift of transport will facilitate the many trips to and from the hospital and serve as a safe haven for the entire family. The family is beyond grateful, and so are we.

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Project 9

Financing of a MOTOmed Loop in the Acute Inpatient Physiotherapy Department at the University Children's Hospital - Zurich, Switzerland
December 2022 – March 2023

With your generous help, we raised CHF 9’840 and ordered the MOTOmed device for the University Children’s Hospital in Zurich.

MOTOmed transforms physiotherapy sessions into a fun play experience for children with movement impairment, many of whom suffer complex diagnoses such as cancer and cerebral palsy. It is not only stationary but can be wheeled into the rooms of isolated, immunocompromised, and immobilized young patients.

All budgets in this department of the hospital have been frozen for the next 2 years until the move of the hospital is accomplished.

We can’t thank you all enough! Thank you to all!
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Project 10

Cura Children’s Inclusion Camp II – Saanenmöser, Switzerland
July – August 2023

Following a successful first Inclusion Camp with loads of positive feedback, we decided to host a second camp this summer in our mountains. The group consisted of a mixture of children with and without disabilities, 2 parents, social workers and local volunteers.

The intend of the camp was to create once again the feeling of inclusion and foster the sense of belonging for the children with disabilities. Through fun activities i.e., tie-dye and cartoon workshops, horseback riding, Alpenruhe playground, visit to a cheese farm etc., we managed to accommodate the children’s differences and get everyone involved with loads of smiling faces.

With your help we managed to collect CHF 4’890,- and were able to also support another small Inclusion Project in Basel. From September till December 2023, the social workers with whom we did Project 3 “Julian’s Parcours”, will every Friday serve lunch for a variety of people in need.

Thank you to all!

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Project 11

Nemo Youth Emergency Shelter II – Zurich, Switzerland
December 2023 – March 2024

Nemo is one of the only Youth Emergency Shelters in Switzerland, offering young adults ages 16-23 shelter, protection and security.

Previously their opening hours started at 8 pm. Most of the young adult’s finish school or work at 5 pm. These 3 extra hours are found very difficult to bridge due to the many temptations i.e., drugs, alcohol …

Nemo was willing to move the opening hours to 5 pm and have asked Cura Children’s Foundation to finance the additional fees of CHF 12’800, for professional staff over a 3-month trial period. This was a huge success and will now be permanently implemented.

Your donations and support go a long way to begin to solve the problem on the streets, by giving more young adults a chance to have a fresh start. Thank You!

Thank you to all!

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Project 12

Diary of Courage – All of Switzerland
April – May 2024

Thanks to you, our dedicated supporters, we have completed together another heartwarming project that we participated in with CHF 5’000, - The "Diary of Courage" is an innovative initiative developed by the Care Unit of the University Children’s Hospital in Zurich. This book aims to assist chronically and seriously ill children(aged 3-12) in understanding and coping with the various medical procedures they undergo during their treatment. It provides detailed, child-friendly explanations and illustrations to alleviate fear and anxiety during their stay at the hospital.

This diary not only supports the emotional and psychological needs of young patients but also fosters a collaborative and understanding environment for their families.

With its planned nationwide distribution and multilingual translations, the "Diary of Courage" is set to make a significant positive impact on pediatric care in Switzerland.

Thank you to all!

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Project 13

Cura Children’s Inclusion Camp III – Saanenmöser, Switzerland
August – October 2024

Building on the past two years of fond memories, we decided to run our third Inclusion Camp. We increased our number of children, social workers, mothers and fabulous volunteers to a total of 21 people. We also welcomed for the first time 2 children from the local special needs school HPS.

Inclusion was again the main focus of the camp, we created an environment where children naturally give each other a helping hand. We supplied a supportive space where everyone felt valued no matter their disability and was able to succeed together. We witnessed a strong sense of teamwork and empathy throughout all our activities. The highlights of this year were the daily soccer trainings, followed by a serene pottery afternoon and many visits to the local pools.

Inclusion is essential for children, because it fosters a sense of belonging, ensures equal opportunities for all, and strengthens communities by embracing diverse perspectives and experiences.

Thank you for your wonderful donations of CHF 5125,- which made this camp again possible

Thank you to all!

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Saanen Bank

Bahnhofstrassse 2
3792 Saanen

Account: 72.507.082.467.6


IBAN: CH98 0634 2725 0708 2467 6

Cura Children’s Foundation is a non-profit association registered in the Canton of Bern and recognized by the Swiss authorities (CHE-287.781.346)
We would be very happy to provide you with a donation certificate for your tax return on request: