Cura Children’s Foundation stands strongly behind Ukraine. With absolute horror we watch and read about the atrocities happening in the Ukraine. We are heartbroken about the devastating impact the war is having on the country’s millions of children and their families.
Our first initiative was to underwrite German classes for Ukrainian parent refugees who have arrived in May in our Swiss area. We also worked with the local authorities and the community to provide respite services for the refugee children. Together an additional playgroup for the youngest was created that meets twice a week.
Our latest initiative was to buy urgently needed medical supply for Ukrainien families and to organize transport to Poltava close to the war zone.
We continue to contribute to numerous smaller projects in our area, to make the families feel supported and connected, give them some tools and a tiny bit of normality despite the horrific times they went through.
We continue to thank you for your on going generous support. Every amount counts!
Saanen Bank
Bahnhofstrassse 2
3792 Saanen
Account: 72.507.082.467.6
IBAN: CH98 0634 2725 0708 2467 6
Cura Children’s Foundation is a non-profit association registered in the Canton of Bern and recognized by the Swiss authorities (CHE-287.781.346)
We would be very happy to provide you with a donation certificate for your tax return on request: