“Cura Heroes” is a title we created to honor individuals who have gone above and beyond in their contributions to our charity. These are people who have demonstrated outstanding dedication, made a significant impact, or inspired others through their commitment to our cause. By nominating them as Cura Heroes, we celebrate their exceptional efforts and share their stories to motivate others in our community.

Louis, our Birthday Cura Hero

Louis is 13 and for his birthday instead of presents, he asked since the age of 11 for donations for Cura Children’s Foundation.

As our Cura Hero, he supported already three projects.

You make the world a better place!

Meet our Cura Hero Chefs of our first self-run Inclusion Camp 2022

This summer, Alex and Dylan took a week off to volunteer at our Inclusion Camp. As Chef and Sous-Chef, they cooked their hearts out.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner for our whole team of 16.

From picnics in the mountains to pizza making with the kids … from hamburger to cupcake feast.

It was a pure treat. A huge thank you to both!

Our Cura Hero Carl, who created "Fashion with a purpose"

Carl chose Cura for his personal International Baccalaureate project on the topic:

“Fashion with a purpose, crafting clothes for a charity”

He composed a 15 page report examining and evaluating this topic with a huge success. He presented his final project in school and received a first order of 50 items with all proceeds going to Cura Children’s Foundation.

Well done Carl!

Lincoln, our Cura Hero relentlessly collecting for Nemo

Lincoln spent all the money from his Bar Mitzvah to buy clothes and shower supplies for the young adults living at Nemo, the Youth Emergency Shelter in Zurich. On top of it, he got his school involved in this good deed.

Great job Lincoln!

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By Bank Transfer

Saanen Bank

Bahnhofstrassse 2
3792 Saanen

Account: 72.507.082.467.6


IBAN: CH98 0634 2725 0708 2467 6

Cura Children’s Foundation is a non-profit association registered in the Canton of Bern and recognized by the Swiss authorities (CHE-287.781.346)
We would be very happy to provide you with a donation certificate for your tax return on request: team@curachildrensfoundation.org