Cura Children’s Inclusion Camp – Lauenen, Switzerland

The Cura Children’s Inclusion Camp in August 2022, aims to Unite Children with and without Disabilities.

The intent of this camp is to create the feeling of inclusion and fostering the sense of belonging for children with disabilities. Therefore, the group will be a mixture of four children with disabilities and three children without. The main focus is on fun, shared experiences and being together.

Our home for the 5 days is a small dormitory in Lauenen in the Bernese Alps. We are welcoming to our first camp in addition to the children a mixture of their parents and therapists.
Our campers are from the area of Basel and are being overseen by the brothers Noel & Gabriel Fanghänel, two longtime social workers, with a specialization in inclusion.

Inclusion is about offering the same activities to everyone, while providing support and services to accommodate children’s differences. With the help of the parents, social workers and therapists we have selected the activities, taking into consideration the unique strengths along with the challenges of every child. Everyone will discover that children with and without disabilities have more in common than what separates them.

The costs for 15 camp participants (7 children, 3 therapists, 3 parents, 2 social workers)

Arts & Crafts Therapy 
BBQ @ Lauenen lake 
Cimgo disability Go Cart 
Hiking with picnic on the mountain 
Saanen Pool with lunch 
Horseback riding therapy 
Pizza making 
5 Days sleeping accommodation 
Good bye dinner 
TOTAL                  CHF 4’500

Thank you so much, every amount counts!

Goal reached - Project closed
CHF 4,500 100%
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Saanen Bank

Bahnhofstrassse 2
3792 Saanen

Account: 72.507.082.467.6


IBAN: CH98 0634 2725 0708 2467 6

Cura Children’s Foundation is a non-profit association registered in the Canton of Bern and recognized by the Swiss authorities (CHE-287.781.346)
We would be very happy to provide you with a donation certificate for your tax return on request: